FEMININE DIAMOND BODY ~ Study Course 2024-25

“Woman created the Universe.
~ Shaktisangama Tantra, II, 52
She is indeed the very body of the Universe.
Woman is the foundation of all three worlds. She is the essence of our body.
There exists no other happiness but that bestowed by Woman.
There exists no other Path but that which can be opened by Woman.
There has not been, there is not, and there will never be…neither yesterday, nor today nor tomorrow…
any other treasure superior to the Woman, neither kingdom, nor pilgrimage place, nor Yoga, nor prayer, nor mantra, nor asceticism, nor bigger plenitude
But that offered by the Woman”
Dear All!
Before we begin I owe my Gratitude, Respect and Love to my teachers, my counselors and therapists and my family with whom step by step we are together at the level of DHARMA & KARMA. I invite you to study ~ listen with an open heart and tune it into your personal life.
My love,
Texts and materials are selectively shared / given only to the group registered in the FEMININE STUDY COURSES program. Copyrights belong to the author/creator. Any attempt to publish, distribute, copy, public use, promote, steal the intellectual property then the fundamental Yogic ethical rules of Satya and Asteya are violated and we will have the right to take legal action. We share this knowledge and our experience with you with love and respect and invite you to this attitude of life. Notice ©2018 Silentruth institute & Marilena Shyama Shakti All rights reserved.