Dear seeker, you are here most probably because you seek self-development and self-discovery. Yoga, Tantra, Meditation and Inner Arts are deep meaningful practical platform towards self discovery. Galileo said: “There is nothing we can teach to people, we can only help them discover it within themselves.” If you are seeking support to discover effective methods through physical practice and calmness of the mind, for your development into the path of self-awareness, then you are welcome.

“Yoga teaches you to love yourself, starting with the body.”

~ Swami Dayānanda
Marilena’s approach in Silentruth Yoga Practice is Tantric as it approaches the human being and body as a space for transformation and embodiment. You won’t find any western conventional yoga approach but rather a therapeutic, subtle and esoteric approach. Aim is to embody sacredness, inner awakening that leads to transformation. Practice is accessible, adaptive and at the same time meditative, therapeutic and sacred as it allows the connection with ones inner wisdom. With respect and responsibility to every individual needs at the right time, Marilena support her students all the way to transformation.

Tantra Yoga approaches the body as a sacred subtle field were healing is happening.

“The divine feminine is the essence of the universe, the guiding force that lead us to our higher potential.”
~ Deepak Chopra

“The divine feminine knows that a birth sometimes demands a death, and that the personal self sometimes has to die if the world is to be made sacred.”

~ Sally Kempton
Studies with Marilena, are in resonance with seekers who wish to open their heart in order to search and discover oneself, through the tradition of Tantra, Yoga, Shakta and Visual Arts.
Marilena‘s approach resonates with individuals who seek deeply a profound personal growth. Students when ready are committed to their healing, by embrace the study modules and practices with patience and humbleness. Self~responsibility, acceptance and patience are key components towards the study and embodyment journey together.

The Diamond Body through yoga it’s about creating a vessel that’s resilient and agile, ready to embody our Soul. The Crystal Mind emerges as a tranquil haven, free from the clutter of everyday worries, sharp and focused like a well-cut gem. This mental clarity fosters a space where wisdom can grow. A Pure Heart epitomizes the essence of sincerity, deep awareness and love for Truth.

“In this body, which is called Brahmanda (microcosm, literally the mundane egg), there is the nectar-rayed moon, in its proper place, on the top of the spinal cord, with eight Kalas (in the shape of a semi-circle).”
~ Śivā Saṃhitā

Current Courses & Programs

Hṛdaye Citta Saṃvṛtta ~Patañjali Yogasūtra 3.35
“This knowledge comes through connecting the heart and mind.”
Στη γιόγκα για να μπορέσει να εκφραστεί η διαίσθηση / Nidhyāna, καλούμαστε να τοποθετήσουμε στη πρωταρχική θέση τα δύο μέρη που την ενισχύουν: το νου (κεφάλι) και τη καρδιά (θώρακα). Και οι θέσεις τους είναι το κεφαλή να κάθετε στο θρόνο του, δηλαδή το θώρακα. Έτσι ρέει το νέκταρ και ενισχύει τη διαίσθηση. Οι πρακτικές μας θα μας καθοδηγήσουν στην αποσυμπίεση του θώρακα, άνοιγμα και διεύρυνση. Και ενδιαφέρον που στα σανσκριτικά η λέξη Hṛd σημαίνει ταυτόχρονα: καρδιά και νου.
Στη δική μας παράδοση η πλατωνική φιλοσοφία, ενσωματώνει την έννοια της διαίσθησης ως την ικανότητα της ψυχής να ανακαλύπτει την αλήθεια πέρα από τα φαινόμενα και τις αισθήσεις, μέσω της ενδοσκόπησης και της νοητικής αναζήτησης.
A step by step practical & theoretical women’s course
Study Course is open to all women (Shaktis), who seek to develop, study, learn, awaken and transform their physical body into an adamantine body with vibrant energy & health! A step by step study course, both: practical and theoretic for women’s physical body, health, lifestyle, nutrition, hormones, healing and transformation, rooted from the tradition and teachings of Yoga and Tantra and Shaktism.
A membership container course for your daily life
This is monthly container were you will be receiving practical tools to navigate more wisely, to support challenging times in life, to transform and transcend and mostly to stay connected to the Divine. Each month you will receive online: about the energy of time as passed to me from my teachers and collaborators with my own translations, ancient Vedic and Greek spiritual significant days, practices for each month to support your daily life, natures important transitions and significance in life, Ūpāya / remedies for each month and gifts.
“The heart that knows love, deeply relaxes in that love” 
~ Swami Tadatmānanda
“The divine feminine is the essence of the universe, the guiding force that leads us to our highest potential.”
~ Deepak Chopra

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