Dear seeker, you are here most probably because you seek unfoldment of your inner Self. Yoga, Tantra, Meditation and Inner Arts are deep meaningful practical esoteric technology, that can support you to this journey.
Galileo said: “There is nothing we can teach to people, we can only help them discover it within themselves.” As a seeker in your Soul’s journey welcome in, with Marilena you can discover tools for your development into the path of self-awareness.
Search in and find what resonates with you this certain period of your life path and dive in. Study Courses, Practice Memberships, Certification process are open to guide you step by step into what you seek: your Self.
Marilena’s approach of Silentruth Yoga Practice is Tantrik, as it approaches the human being and body as a space for transformation and embodiment. A healing, therapeutic, subtle and esoteric approach aiming to embody sacredness, inner awakening that leads to transformation. Practice is accessible, adaptive and at the same time meditative, therapeutic and sacred as it allows the connection with ones inner wisdom. With respect and responsibility to every individual needs at the right time, Marilena support her students all the way to discover themselves.
Tantra approaches the body as a sacred subtle field were healing occurs and sacredness is revealed.
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