Marilena Shyama Shakti


Dear seeker, you are here most probably because you seek self-development and self-discovery. Welcome! Development and transformation of human potential is a result of deep meaningful practice of Yoga, Tantra, Meditation and Inner Arts. Galileo said: “There is nothing we can teach to people, we can only help them discover it within themselves.” If you are seeking support to discover effective methods through physical practice and calmness of the mind, for your development into the path of self-awareness, then search in. We love to practice and educate seekers and teachers in yoga and tantra in a mystic way combining ancient practices and modern science.
"Thoughts come and go. Feelings come and go. Find out what it comes and remains."
~ Ramana Maharshi
Our sessions intention is to help you discover effective methods through the physical practice of the body and the calmness of the mind for our development into the path of self-awareness. Practice is accessible, adaptive and combines all components of physical, subtle practice and at the same time meditative, therapeutic and sacred as it allows the connection with ones inner wisdom. You can practice in PRIVATE SESSIONS. GROUP, live at studio or access online studio.


Ākāśa Studio was founded in 2010 and it is welcoming all of our group and 1:1 sessions, courses, trainings and workshops. A spacious space with props and welcoming atmosphere. Ākāśa, means ”Heaven”, ”Space”, or ”AETHER”. The fifth element that permeates the universe, the first material element created by the astral world.


We work together for your personalised programme tailored to your needs and schedule. Regular private practice will be created, to match your progress in any level and aspect. Yoga & Tantric practice as well as mentorship or coaching are offered in a private format with Marilena, in order to have the best outcome.
Recorded sessions for you to practice on your own time, space, pace. No need of previous experience for most of our sessions. Our Online Studio library is updated very often, supporting you to keep regular daily practice in the field of yoga as taught by Marilena. Healing practice and contemplation.
"The divine feminine is the essence of the universe, the guiding force that lead us to our higher potential."
~ Deepak Chopra



MĀYOGA is a practice deeply rooted in traditional yoga ~ tantra ~ āyurvedic yoga ~ Śākta Tantric Yoga ~ mindfulness ~ restorative ~ therapeutic and more, as a way to become mindful and conscious on feelings, thoughts and emotions. It is an amalgamation of practice experienced and learned through her personal and professional journey till now. Healing, nurturing practices with props, meditative and mindful aspects are part this practice.
Marilena’s approach of MāYoga practice, combines yogāsanas, tantric haṭhayoga yoga, therapeutic, healing and restorative aspects, tantric and yogic techniques, in deeply yogic way. Aim is to embody sacredness, inner awakening that leads to transformation. Yogāsanas become a shape and space within the body to embody our life essence as this is the promise of Yoga Path. It’s a way to create a loving, genuine, supportive, welcoming space to come closer to our Soul.



MĀYOGA takes its name form the Sanskrit – Universal word MĀ.  Is a common word used in various Indian languages as a term of endearment for mother. Its roots are in ancient Indian culture, where mothers were highly revered and respected. Mā or Mātṛ or Mātā is used for the divine mother or personified energies of the principal feminine deities.
Mother archetype is a provider of an environment that fosters love, support and growth. It represents the concept of the nurturing and caring unconditionally, as well as the power and wisdom of the divine feminine. MĀYOGA, M for meaningful and Ā for alleviating, is a mothering practice, a way to take care of one’s Self in a caring, nurturing, loving way by creating the foundation to open – release.
"The divine feminine is the essence of the universe, the guiding force that lead us to our higher potential."
~ Deepak Chopra


Meeting with our ancestors! 🔻 The meeting with Amathousia Aphrodite is an invitation to meet with our roots, ancestors and the energies we carry within us. This call is the encounter to connect with our Feminine archetype that will eventually helps us find deeper in us…our Self. 🔻 So I invite you to this meeting, with respect and self-control, beauty and harmony, joy and love, sensuality and purity, kindness and strength of soul, so that together we may encourage this inner journey into the Self. With love, Marilena

“The divine feminine knows that a birth sometimes demands a death, and that the personal self sometimes has to die if the world is to be made sacred.”

~ Sally Kempton


Our spiritual study courses focuses on the dignity of the human being as a whole, the ability to create, the independence that an individual or a teacher must have as well and the magical touch to empower him/her self to transform. Trainings are open to everyone who is ready to explore the deepest level of their soul, the visible and invisible inner microcosm that hosts our Higher Self /Ātman / Jīva!

“The heart that knows love, deeply relaxes in that love” 

~ Swami Tattvavidānanda
“In this body, which is called Brahmanda (microcosm, literally the mundane egg), there is the nectar-rayed moon, in its proper place, on the top of the spinal cord, with eight Kalas (in the shape of a semi-circle).”
~ Śivā Saṃhitā

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