Marilena’s practice teachings are offerings are deeply rooted in traditional Tāntrika Yoga ~ Āyurvedic ~ Śākta Tāntrika Yoga. It is an amalgamation of practice experienced and learned through her personal and professional journey till now. Healing, nurturing practices with props, meditative, mindful, restorative, esoteric, healing aspects are part this practice.
Our practice is aligned with the energies of Cosmos, in order to get the most we can from every moment. We integrate our life in the cycles of the Cosmic Order. Each moment is part of the order so our body – mind – emotions – soul.
Each month we dedicate our practice into different theme in order to resonate with the Cosmic Orbit Order.

“In this body, the mount Meru [the vertebral column] is surrounded by sev en islands; t here are rivers, seas, mountains, fields; and lords of the fields too. There are in it seers and sages; all the stars and planets as well. There are sacred pilgrimages, shrines; and presiding deities of the shrines. The sun and moon, agents of creation and destruction, also move in it. Ether, air, fire, water and earth are also there. All the beings that exist in the three worlds are also to be found in the body; surrounding the Meru they are engaged in their respective functions. He who knows all this is a yogi; there is no doubt about it.”

~ Śivā Saṃhitā
Hṛdaye Citta Saṃvṛtta ~Patañjali Yogasūtra 3.35
“This knowledge comes through connecting the heart and mind.”
Στη γιόγκα για να μπορέσει να εκφραστεί η διαίσθηση / Nidhyāna, καλούμαστε να τοποθετήσουμε στη πρωταρχική θέση τα δύο μέρη που την ενισχύουν: το νου (κεφάλι) και τη καρδιά (θώρακα). Και οι θέσεις τους είναι το κεφαλή να κάθετε στο θρόνο του, δηλαδή το θώρακα. Έτσι ρέει το νέκταρ και ενισχύει τη διαίσθηση. Οι πρακτικές μας θα μας καθοδηγήσουν στην αποσυμπίεση του θώρακα, άνοιγμα και διεύρυνση. Και ενδιαφέρον που στα σανσκριτικά η λέξη Hṛd σημαίνει ταυτόχρονα: καρδιά και νου.
Στη δική μας παράδοση η πλατωνική φιλοσοφία, ενσωματώνει την έννοια της διαίσθησης ως την ικανότητα της ψυχής να ανακαλύπτει την αλήθεια πέρα από τα φαινόμενα και τις αισθήσεις, μέσω της ενδοσκόπησης και της νοητικής αναζήτησης.
“Yoga is the process in which we are able to access and abide in the profound vision of our true essential self nature by allowing the disturbances, fluctuations, agitations, perturbations, and vagaries of consciousness to subside, become stilled, and eventually cease.”
~ Patañjali Yogasūtra Chapter I verses 2-3


You won’t find any mainstream yoga style approach classes in our schedule.  Focus is on the deeper and esoteric aspect of practice aiming healing from within, as the tradition of Yoga and Tantra. Tantra Yoga approaches the body as a sacred subtle field were healing is happening.
  • Inner Healing: We create the nourishing and supporting conditions in order inner unfoldment and healing to take place during our practice.
  • Inner Awareness & Awakening: Encouraging mindfulness and consciousness of feelings, thoughts, and emotions with become aware of the physical field and our limited programming. We are fostering inner awakening and transformation through sacred, nurturing practices.
  • Feminine Energy: Emphasizing the divine feminine energy, restoration, nourishment and rejuvenation, especially for women.
  • Cosmic Alignment: Aligning practices with cosmic rhythms to integrate into the natural order of the universe. Every month is dedicated to a different theme that resonates with the circadian rhythm and the orbit of Cosmos.
  • Therapeutic: By products of our esoteric practice of Yoga, is the therapeutic effects on physical, psychological and mental realm.

Morning SERIES are offered in the morning and are dedicated to align us with the Sunrise energy, activating the lymphatic system as well as digestive fire. We charge properly through Prāṇāyāma, Tantra Yogāsana, Kriyā yoga and other tantric practices. We use Tanrika Haṭha Yoga aspects in a dynamic flow or static ways. Our body awakens the right time for the day, in order to properly take action for the rest of the day. The final result of consistent practice is awakening clarity of mind, energy, healthy organism, tallness and positivity.

Healing SERIES are offered usually in the evening time and is a practice deeply rooted in the tradition of Tantrika Yoga & Somatic Healing. Starting from the spine and nervous system, we move throughout our physical realm into the subtle level, were we can remove hindrances and harmful patterns. Healing & nurturing practices with props, meditative, mindful, restorative & esoteric aspects are part of this practice. The final result of consistent practice is calmness, clarity, sense of Self, revelation, lightness, tallness and healing.

Āḗtherial Therapeutics SERIES is a physical, subtle and mindful practice, excellent for connecting mind and body by developing awareness while mapping the body and mind. Hammock is used as a sensory medium that offers restorative and rejuvenating benefits with zero compression, incorporating decompression of the joints and spine. The hammock gives us feedback, expands consciousness, and creates a safe caring space to transform physical and subtle patterns. With Āḗtherial Therapeutics we dive much deeper, releasing, opening, southing, revitalizing joints and spine.
I always look forward to Marilena’s classes because they are aligned with the seasons, energies and planetary influences. The classes are always beneficial both physically and spiritually and I always feel wonderful after each session. I love how we practice different techniques each time and how my mind, body and spirit is enlivened after each class.
~ Freda Yiannitsas
Ākāśa Studio was founded in 2010 and it’s hosting all of our group and 1:1 sessions, courses, trainings and workshops. Ākāśa, means “Space”. Our group sessions are dedicated to women’s only and their needs, tendencies and structure.
Together, we create a personalized program that aligns with your progress at any level and aspect of your feminine nature. Practices from Yoga, Tāntrika, Āyurveda, Somatic Healing, and Meditation, as well as counseling for home-based practice, are applied with care, understanding, and safety.
Recorded sessions for you to practice on your own time, space, pace. No need of previous experience for most of our sessions. Our Online Studio library is updated very often, supporting you to keep regular daily practice in the field of yoga as taught by Marilena.
“Body, mind and soul, are like a tripod, the world stands by their combination; in them everything abides. It is the subject matter for Āyurveda which the teachings of have been revealed.”
~ Caraka Saṃhitā
Private and semiprivate sessions are offered to everyone, including families and friends. Groups sessions are dedicated to women only. You can chose your monthly membership suitable for you, below.
If you are looking to align your life with the natures order and cosmic order, by understanding the inner side, then this monthly online membership course will guide you.
“Yoga is a spiritual path above all, preserved by Adiyogi, then passed on to Parvati and subsequently to Gurus. Yoga’s essential purpose is psychological freedom and spiritual enlightenment, the revelation of the Self of the self. Yoga is a tradition of India’s indigenous people, an infinite spiritual heritage. Let’s respect it by knowing what we offer – transmit – teach and promote.”
~ Marilena Shyama Shakti
A very professional yoga teacher and well equipped and very well organised studio. Marilena not only knows her work but through her devotion to teach yoga correctly the classes are offered with great enthusiasm! Whenever attending a class you always leave calm with big smile on your face.
~ Vicky Agapiou

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