“In this body, there is a sacred mountain, the vertebral column. It is surrounded by seven islands. There are rivers, seas, mountains, fields and lords of the fields there. Within this subtle realm are seers and sages, the stars and planets as well as sacred pilgrimages, temples, and deities. The sun and moon, the agents of creation and destruction and all the elements are also there within.”
~ Śiva Saṃhitā
Dear seeker, you are here most probably because you seek self-development and self-discovery. Welcome! Development and transformation of human potential is a result of deep meaningful practice of Yoga, Tantra, Meditation and Inner Arts. Galileo said: “There is nothing we can teach to people, we can only help them discover it within themselves.” If you are seeking support to discover effective methods through physical practice and calmness of the mind, for your development into the path of self-awareness, then search in. We love to practice and educate seekers and teachers in yoga and tantra in a mystic way combining ancient practices and modern science.
Our weekly classes intention is to help you discover effective methods through the physical practice of the body and the calmness of the mind for our development into the path of self-awareness. Ākāśa (Sanskrit) means ”Heaven”, ”Space”, or ”AETHER”. The fifth element that permeates the universe, the first material element created by the astral world. Its main characteristic is the sound.
Each month inside the Ākāśa Online Studio we will be offering a range of sessions in order to dive into your being as a sacred space: * 1 new class per week, always recorded and added to your library here. **Access to each week’s new class, contemplation & more to do again and again.
Śāktasoma ~ ĀkāśaYoga ~ Meditations ~ Śāktinidrā, is a practice deeply rooted in traditional yoga ~ tantra ~ āyurvedic yoga ~ Śākta Tantric Yoga ~ somatics ~ restorative ~ therapeutic and more as a way to become mindful and conscious on feelings, thoughts and emotions. Healing, nurturing practices with props (blocks, straps, wall, hammocks etc) meditative and mindful aspects are part our practice. Practice is accessible, adaptive and combines all components of physical, subtle and esoteric practice and at the same time meditative, therapeutic and sacred as it allows the connection with ones inner wisdom.
Classes are recorded and all content is available for you as long as you remain a subscribing member of Ākāśa Online Studio. As with all subscriptions, you do not have access to the content when your subscription ends. Track along with the practice in sequential order or access your favorite practices over and over again. Enjoy!
With care, Marilena
Texts and materials are selectively shared / given only to the group registered in the Ākāśa Online Studio program. Copyrights belong to the author/creator. Any attempt to publish, distribute, copy, public use, promote, steal the intellectual property then the fundamental Yogic ethical rules of Satya and Asteya are violated and we will have the right to take legal action. We share this knowledge and our experience with you with love and respect and invite you to this attitude of life. Notice ©2018 Silentruth institute & Marilena Shyama Shakti All rights reserved.