Marilena Shyama Shakti


Marilena Shyama Shakti is a mother, artist, teacher, seeker of inner truth since a very young age. Her today’s teachings it’s a reflection of 20 years of teaching experience and 25 years of being a seeker of the Self through visual arts and esoterism, yoga. She has been a long practitioner of Tantra and Mystical ~ Esoteric Yoga tradition with 10 years of intense studies in the tradition of Tantric yoga, with 6,000 contacted hours of study with her own teachers.
Her approach bring together esoteric Tantra, mystical Yoga, with a lot of their components and techniques. Her ability to create & hold space, to turn inwards, to combine together practices & teachings, brings together seekers for meaningful yoga & tantra. As a mother and lover of her most beloved she continues her journey discovering the endless possibilities of one’s soul inside each Silent Moment of life.

Marilena Shyama Shakti

Marilena Shyama Shakti is a mother, artist, teacher, seeker of inner truth since a very young age. Her today’s teachings it’s a reflection and amalgamation of 20 years of teaching experience and more than 25 years of being scholar and seeker of the Self, through visual arts, esoterism, vedic, tantric and yogic tradition. She studied painting and art history at the Academy of Fine Arts in Czech Republic, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Master of Fine Arts. During her studies she was initiated and study Tantra, Tantric Haha, Rāja Yoga, Jñāna, Laya Yoga, Śākta Tantra and other forms of inner arts, esoterism in all levels. The International Yoga & Meditation Alliances acknowledged her as a Master Yoga Teacher CYT® and Master Meditation Teacher CMT®.

In 2015 she founded Open Yoga Day Cyprus in 2015, an annual pancyprian non-profit event initiative, where yoga lovers, teachers and people all over the island, gather together to celebrate oneness, unity and love! This is her practice of Sevā project offering space and time to people to discover the benefits of Yoga, Meditation for a healthier life and society.

  • 1986 – 1996, Ethnikon Odeon of Cyprus, piano, flute school and theory of music basic and higher
  • 1994 – 1997, Technical school Makarios III, department of graphic design, architecture and interior design
  • 2001 Bachelor of Fine Arts ~ FaVuT Brno Czech Republic – atelier of figurative painting, Professor Jiri Naceradsky
  • 2004 Master of Fine Arts ~ AVU Academy of Fine Arts Czech Republic – atelier of painting, world renown professor Jiri Sopko
  • 2004, Professional course for tour guide and delegate, TYRKYS, Czech Republic (not certified)
  • 1995-1998 Self Practice in Yoga
  • 2000-2005 Practice & Studies on Tantric Haṭha, Śākta Tantra, Kriya, Mantra, Rāja, Lāya, Ayurveda basics ~ Rezonance Yoga Centrum, Czech Republic
  • 2003-2005 Practice & Studies on Tantra, Śākta Tantra (Yoga for Women) ~ Rezonance Yoga Centrum, Czech Republic
  • 2005-2010 Practitioner & Studies on the traditional teachings on Yoga Nidrā, Śākta Tantra, Tantra Mārga left & right, Yogic color therapy, Chakras in-depth course, Maha Vidyas Course, Ritual Initiations, Spiritual Initiations ~ Rezonance Yoga Centrum ~ Czech Republic & Nath Yoga School ~ Denmark
  • 2005, batik course, Chirotechnia, Nicosia
  • 2005, patisserie course, Chirotechnia, Nicosia
  • 2006, leather course, Chirotechnia, Nicosia
  • 2007, Teacher 5th level ~ World Federation of Yoga & Meditation ATMAN
  • 2009 Pedagogical – Methodology of Teaching Training Program ~ University of Cyprus
  • 2009 Teaching methodology training for teachers of Fine Arts at schools ~ University of Cyprus
  • 2011, Thai foot massage diploma, ITM BC Massage School, Larnaca, Cyprus
  • 2012 GroovyKids™ TTC, Larnaca, Cyprus
  • 2013 Aerial Yoga I & II TTC ~ Swaha Center ~ Greece
  • 2014 Unnata® Aerial Yoga TTC ~ Greece
  • 2013 Vedic Art Certificate ~ Gina Stephaniac
  • 2013 Master Yoga & Tantra Teacher ~ Yoga Alliance India CYT® 500hr
  • 2014 Mindfulness Meditation Internationally approved 8 weeks Mindfulness Meditation course of Mark Williams & Danny Penman
  • 2015 Prenatal TTC ~ Jonni-Lyn Friel
  • 2015 Postnatal / Mom & Baby Yoga TTC ~ Jonni-Lyn Friel
  • 2017 Master Meditation Teacher CMT® 500hr ~ India
  • 2017 Biomatic Anatomy Full Course Studies ~ Apostolia Papadamaki – Greece
  • March 2017, hosting and monitoring Garuda Kids Yoga & Garuda Flying Kids TTC, Nicosia, Cyprus
  • 2018 Intuition practices course I level Giorgos Papageorgiou ~ Cyprus
  • 2022 Following the traditional teachings and lineage of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati
  • 2022 Bhagavad Gītā Studies ~ with her lineage teacher Kaya.M. USA
  • 2023 Devī Initiation Mandras & Scriptures of Navaratri ~ with her lineage teacher Kaya.M. USA
  • 2023 – today, Somatic Healing Training ~ Mary Michelle Young, USA
  • 2023 – today, Yin Yoga Training ~ Mary Michelle Young, USA
  • 2024 Lakṣmi Tantra Initiation ~ within her lineage teacher Kaya.M. USA
  • 2024 Yoga Nidra traditional esoteric Studies ~ with her lineage teacher Kaya.M. USA
  • 2024 Supreme Subtle Body traditional esoteric Studies ~ with her lineage teacher Kaya.M. USA
  • 2024 – today Yin Yoga and Meridians Teacher Training, with José de Groot – Ekhart Academy Holland
  • 2000 Art Teacher at Museum of Cultural Gypsy Center, Czech Republic
  • 2001 Hosting and leading Alterna, Art Healing course ~ Nicolas Panagi Art Studio Cyprus
  • 2002 – 2003 Art Teacher for kids with mental disorders ~ Betany Charitable House, Czech Republic
  • 2002 ~ 2004 Yoga Teacher ~ Rezonance Yoga Centrum Czech Republic
  • 2003 – 2004 Tantra Yoga Teacher ~ Rezonance Yoga Centrum Czech Republic
  • 2003 – today, tantra, meditation, yoga workshop facilitator in virus yoga centers in Cyprus, Czech Republic and Greece
  • 2004 Design & paint for Republic of Cyprus Cow statue in the EU Herd of Cows, Czech Republic,
  • 2004 – 2007 Fine Art Teacher at her own Art Studio, Cyprus
  • 2005 Yoga Teacher at Shambhala Yoga (affiliated yoga studio of Atman Yoga Federation) Cyprus
  • 2005 ~ 2008 Tantra Shakti Teacher hosting courses in Greece ATMAN affiliated school
  • 2001 ~ today, exhibited her artwork in Cyprus and abroad
  • ·      2008 ~ 2009 written & published articles at her own column at Purple magazine, Politis newspaper
  • 2007 – 2009, art teacher, Cultural Center of Aglantzia, Cyprus
  • 2011 founded Akāśa Center
  • 2008 ~ 2013 art teacher, Ministry of Education & Culture, Cyprus
  • 2011 ~ today, Yoga Meditation Tantra Teacher at her studio Akāśa Center
  • 2013 ~ today Aerial I Unnata® Aerial Teacher at her studio
  • 2013 ~ today, Restorative Yoga & Aerial Therapeutics at her studio
  • 2014 ~ today, facilitator of Mindfulness Meditation courses according to Mark Williams training course
  • 2015 ~ today, Director & organizer of Open Yoga Day Cyprus (nonprofit initiative)
  • 20218 founded Silentruth Institute
  • 2022 – today president of YPA Yoga Professionals Association Cyprus
  • 2022 ~ today, Director & Teacher of advanced Spiritual Studies & Trainings of Silentruth Institute
  • 2023 ~ today, Teacher of in-depth Feminine Study Courses for women.
  • 2023 – today, Yoga Teacher at mentorship programs for yoga teachers.

“Everyday, wake up and remember who you are. Remember why you have come here. Then think about, what is one thing you can do today to do your dharma?”

~ Sri Krishan Mantriji
Marilena’s approach to Yoga Practice combines yogasanas, tantric yoga, therapeutic & restorative practices, in a subtle and meditative approach. Aim is to embody sacredness, inner awakening that leads to transformation. Practice is accessible, adaptive and at the same time meditative, therapeutic and sacred as it allows the connection with ones inner wisdom.
Yoga is an ancient Indian form of practice with a holistic approach, that results treating the human being in its wholeness from within. With respect and responsibility to every individual needs at the right time, Marilena’s practices hold the propose of Yoga. Combining traditional practices of Yoga & Tantra with modern science she is able to support her students all the way to transform their body, mind and lifestyle.

“Yoga teaches you to love yourself, starting with the body.”

~ Swami Dayānanda
Studies with Marilena, are in resonance with seekers who wish to open their heart in order to search and discover oneself, through the Tantric, Yogic, Shaktism tradition and Visual Arts. Certifications never express wisdom or deep embodiment of teachings or arts one is gaining through dedicated practice with open heart and love. If you are ready to explore the deepest level of their soul, the visible and invisible inner microcosm that hosts our Higher Self / Jīva, without expecting to gain nothing more than this, then you are welcome to this journey with me.

“Start with the heart. Then move up, and the mind becomes silent”

~ Shankarācharya

“Rise above material descries

To the spiritual path of divine experience

And witness the divine light

Leading you towards eternal bliss.”

~ Yajur Veda

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