Marilena Shyama Shakti



personal & professional education

~ Online & In-person ~

After years of changes, transformations, studies, initiations, experience and knowledge, with my beloved teachers, guru and wise mentors and counselors FEMININE COURSES FOR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT are here to offer guidance and support to your journey.
Study Course is open to all women (Shaktis), who seek to develop, study, learn, awaken and transform their mental body into a crystal clear mind with vibrant energy & awareness! A step by step study course, both: practical and theoretic for women’s mental body.Going deeper into the structure of mental body: the function of the mind, thinking, emotions, feelings, habits, focus, awareness, memory, ego, senses and more.

Study Course for women (Shaktis) who have already study the Feminine Diamond Body course. Going deeper into the structure of mental body: Woman’s Wise Heart / Knowledge / Dhāraṇā / Dhyāna / Intuition / Contemplation / Prayer / Devotion / Love / Aspiration / Feminine Divine Wisdoms / śāmbhava-upāya – non-conceptual intuition and more. All teachings from Yoga, Tantra for women and Shaktism, aiming to understand, embody and transform our awareness of our beingness.

Devotion ~ Wisdom ~ Higher Intuition

This Study Course open to all for Personal & Professional Education who have done the previous study course Diamond Body & Crystal Mind.

Suitable for:
– yoga teachers, alternative & holistic therapists who dive deeper into their education.
– all women who wish to transform their daily life in a natural and healthy way.
– seekers who wish to understand their physical body wisdom and explore their spirituality.

– 3 trimesters course
– October 2024 – June 2025
– theory | philosophy | teachings
– Exact day and time will be announced soon

– In Person:
Silentruth Institute
Acropoleos Avenue 71, office 32, Nicosia 2012
– Online:
Via Google Meet or Zoom

Access to the online written materials / videos / pdf’s etc

– Contact us for fees info
– Includes: yoga practice classes, study sessions, 3 sessions 1:1 with Marilena.

Cancellation Policy:
no refundable fees

* By applying you agree with rules and regulations and cancellation policy active for all: retreat, workshop, and training.

This training is accredited by Silentruth Institute. Silentruth Institute is accredited by International Yoga Alliance. The aspirants who complete all 3 Study Courses and therefore meets all required aspects and qualities can continue their professional Education for Teacher Training.

“The Divine Mother is everywhere.
She is in everything.
She is the Divine Essence that lives within all beings.

Her domain is the field of life, for she gives
to all beings the sustenance that is needed for life.
Her beauty lives in the natural world,
and spans the universes in all their splendor.

She has been called by many names,
for all traditions recognize Her.

Into each consciousness the knowledge is given
of the sacredness of life.
This sacredness IS the Mother.

She is the holy generator of the physical world,
joined to the heart and soul of every living thing.

All of the Earth is one with Her.
All beings of the Earth owe their life to Her,
for she is the Mother of all, the One who bestows
all gifts of life.

Her gifts come to the deserving and to the
non-deserving alike, for the sun does not choose
upon whom to shine.

She is the source of Divine blessing, the part
of the Oneness that bestows the graces that fill life.

We have not seen Her because her being is
cloaked in silence.

She emerges now as part of the Oneness where
she has always resided, blessing all, giving to all.

All who bow before Her are sustained by the life
within them.

All who honor Her are sustained by life’s gifts
both within themselves and beyond.

The purpose of existence is to join with Life that lives
in all dimensions and all realms of being.

It is the Mother that creates this evolving,
this unfolding journey,
for she is the fabric of Time itself,
the means by which all things grow.

She is the template for life that exists within Her —
the substance and form of all that shall ever come to be.

May all be blessed by the blessings of the
Divine Oneness.”

~ Ananda Vdovic

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” 

~ Bhagavad Gītā

Learn ~ Embody ~ Adapt ~ Heal

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