The Feminine Diamond Body in yoga, it’s about creating a vessel that’s resilient and agile, ready to embody our Soul. The Feminine Crystal Mind emerges as a tranquil haven, free from the clutter of everyday worries, sharp and focused like a well-cut gem. This mental clarity fosters a space where wisdom can grow. A Pure Feminine Heart epitomizes the essence of sincerity, deep awareness and love for Truth.
Study Course is open to all women (Shaktis), who seek to develop, study, learn, awaken and transform their physical body into a adamantine body with vibrant energy & health! A step by step study course, both: practical and theoretic for women’s physical body, health, lifestyle, nutrition, hormones, healing and transformation, rooted from the tradition and teachings of Yoga and Tantra and Shaktism.
ĀḖRIAL THERAPEUTICS it’s an ĀḖTHERIAL restorative & releasing yoga done on soft trapeze hanging from the ceiling. Hammock is used to properly align the body in Yogāsanas, as well as to help the student practice Kriyās, Prāṇāyāma, Bandhas in a contemplative way. It is a Mindful practice great to connect mind and body.
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